We’re all filled with uncertainty — I know I am. Some days are worse than others. I’ve had days where I broke down and didn’t want to get out of bed. And I’ve had days where I’m excited to embrace my day. My goal is to keep forging ahead — my priorities are to take care of myself: the mental, emotional and physical aspects of Nat.
We have been given a rare opportunity of having time, so why not use it effectively. Why not make the most of that thing we complain about not having enough of. This is the time for us to push ahead to our highest capabilities.
Whatever it is that you’re doing right now — push fear, worry, anxiety, uncertainty, concerns, etc. aside. Acknowledge all those feelings but put them aside. Commit to yourself — mentally, emotionally, and physically. It’s a unique chance to develop greater competence in our work, our business, our side projects, etc. — let us aim to upgrade ourselves. Upgrade ourselves by 10,15 or 20% more than we were before the pandemic.
Can you see it? Just imagine 10, 15, 20 % improvement in every human being — the possibilities we would bring to our world would be great.
Right now, take 30 min, an hour, and grab a good ole fashion pen and paper. And write — where am I in terms of:
- Mental
- Emotional
- Physical
- Competence
And what would 10, 15, or 20% look like for me — even 5%? Be honest; look at it from your perspective — your standards. Not from the standards of society, your parents, your friends, or significant other, etc., just from your criteria. Strive to improve yourself — how different would your world look — how different would our world look?
Our new normal includes: Challenges, fear, uncertainty, anxiety, and worry, but our minds, our emotions, our physical or our competence should not impede us — those things should not challenge us as well.
I believe we can emerge from COVID-19 with renewed strength and energy, emotional intelligence, greater competence, a healthier and fit body, and a calm and peaceful mind. We can emerge as better human beings than we were, and our world would be better because we are better. Let’s be honest our lives, and our world wasn’t so grand before this — some improvements should have and could have been made.
As Always, I’m sending Love — Be Safe.