Happy October Dahlings,
Cool crisp air, lower temperatures and the calmness of fall are delightful and refreshing. Did October greet you kindly and in good spirits? I hope it did. This time of year is so lovable, isn’t it? Everything seems to flow, people are kinder, there seems to be more laughter – is it me or is it the season of Fall? Some of the stress of the past few months has fallen away and I am embracing the remaining of the year with clarity and a plan.
In September I experienced great momentum and I hope it will continue in October. Mentally and emotionally (somewhat) I am in a better place. There is still insomnia, fatigued and tears sometimes. Those things let me know there is work to be done but I am ok with that, we will always be work in progress. I feel good for the most part and for that I am grateful.
Last month I started small with a few goals for September and that was the best thing I did for me. Each day I was reminded to be kind, intentional, flexible, grateful, consistent, and at ease. I experienced real change that has carried over to this month. Better decisions, I didn’t feel pulled in every direction, and time for me was a priority. I listened, I asked the right questions and I stepped back or aside when I felt the need to.
This month I have once again set goals, small but actionable ones to get me back into the swing of things (getting there slowly but surely) and I am looking forward to accomplishing them. Some of the goals I set last month served me so well that I have been using them as guiding statements for daily living. They provided me such great guidance and got me to the place I am in right now. They served as motivation when I needed it and guided me during periods of uncertainty. There are healthier boundaries in some areas of my life and I am more disciplined with my breathing, reflecting, intentions, and not forcing things.
I will continue to use them for as long as I need them and I am sharing them below with the hope that they contribute something positive to your journey. Reword them to fit your life or goals or expand on them if that is necessary.
- Stay on schedule but remain flexible
- Be Intentional with my breathing & Practice Gratitude
- Be kind and patient with myself and others
- Live each day intentionally
- Don’t force anything
- Live each day with ease, mindfulness & awareness
- Reflect each day before bed
- Say no and mean it (don’t waver if I am confident with that NO)
- Be intentional with caring for me and remain consistent
- Hydrate – Hydrate – Hydrate drink a min of two liters of water daily (three is too much)
- Pray – Pray – Pray
- Make calm, peace and serenity a priority (don’t let anyone or anything disrupt it unnecessarily).
Do you have guiding statements or affirmations you use daily to help you stay on track? I would love to hear about them.